News – Tri Jaya Tangguh Indonesia's Finest Coconut Products Wed, 24 Jan 2024 03:18:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 News – Tri Jaya Tangguh 32 32 Events and Exhibitions that we have participate Wed, 24 Jan 2024 03:16:27 +0000 PT.TRIJAYA TANGGUH is participating in international food expo and exhibitions


FSSC 22000 accomplished Thu, 21 Dec 2023 11:31:17 +0000 Happy New Year to all partners and future partners!

We have a good news to share,

We have successfully completed our audit for FSSC22000 last December 2017, and TJT, as of now, is certified with FSSC22000.

The FSSC 22000 Food Safety System Certification provides a framework for effectively managing organization’s food safety responsibilities. This is fully recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and is based on existing ISO Standards. We have a robust Food Safety Management System in place that meets the requirements of our customers.

We look forward to serving you this 2018, may this be another prosperous year.

Have a coconutic day ahead!!

Salam from Gorontalo,

TRI JAYA TANGGUH TURNS EXPERTISE IN QUALITY COCONUT PRODUCTION INTO GLOBAL ALLIANCES Thu, 21 Dec 2023 11:29:20 +0000 Tri Jaya Tangguh (TJT) is making waves in the global coconut industry, emerging as one of Indonesia’s leading coconut product manufacturers with the capability of processing up to a quarter of a million coconuts daily.

Established as a privately owned business in 2006, TJT began producing desiccated coconut in 2008, processing approximately 80,000 coconuts per day. Since adding Santan ACC Coconut Cream and Yamacoco Coconut Water to its line of products, TJT has increased that volume to 250,000 coconuts per day. It aims to double the number in the next five years.

Having quadrupled its production rate within a decade, TJT acknowledges its two keys to success: growing the best coconuts in the rich soil of Gorontalo province, Sulawesi, and maintaining a reliable supply by closely collaborating with committed farmers.

“We owe our success to the farmers who work very diligently to supply the coconut,” says Amin Salim, chairman. “They are determined, and they are motivated to make Gorontalo a better place.”

Be it the dairy-free creaminess of coconut milk, the dietary-fibre-rich desiccated coconut, or the high electrolyte count of coconut water, TJT is dedicated to attaining the most premium health qualities in its products. The company yields delicious and organic coconuts derived from completely natural means, steering clear of genetically modified organisms and hybrid trees.
TJT strictly complies with regulations, having acquired an FSSC 22000 Food Safety System Certification. The certification is fully recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative and is based on existing ISO standards. Nestle and Magnum are among the many companies that TJT supplies, alongside traders from China, Russia, Poland and Britain.

TJT welcomes partnerships with original equipment manufacturers, especially in China. As part of its drive to expand capacity in the next five years, the company is also open to technological partners for knowledge transfer. TJT wants to bring the goodness of coconuts to the world, and is also looking for the right partners to act as distribution channels to the wider global market.

Fine Food Australia 2022, adalah pameran yang sudah berjalan selama 38 tahun yang diselengggarakan di Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre pada 5 – 8 September 2022. Tue, 05 Dec 2023 02:44:23 +0000 Indonesian Trade Promotion Center menghadirkan 5 exchibitor dari Indonesia ada tahun ini, salah satunya adalah PT. Trijaya Tangguh yang memproduksi produk dari kelapa seperti santan, kelapa parut, kering dan air kelapa.

Dan kelapa yang di produksi berasal dari Gorontalo dan sekitarnya.

Fine Food Australia

Kiri : Ibu Annisa dari Puspasari dari ITPC Indonesian Trade Promotion Centre Tengah: Ibu Rita Suban (SBS Correspondent) Kanan: Pak Arie Sebastian dari PT. Tri Jaya Tangguh.


Bpk. Arie Sebastian mewakili Trijaya Tangguh pada interview besama Rita Suban dan Sri Dean dari SBS Indoensian menceritakan pengalaman pertama menjadi exchibitor pada Fine Food Australia.

Dan juga Ibu Annisa Puspasari akan menginformasikan apakah itu Indonesian Trade Promotion Center dan apa yang menjadi acuan dalam memilih exchibitor mewakili Indonesia pada Fine Food Australia.
